The World According to Rena

My World, My Words

Happy Birthday to a Five Year-Old


To my beautiful, inspirational, weirdo daughter who turns 5 this year. Birthday presents of toys and other disposable gifts don’t always cut it, in my opinion. So I’m giving you the gfit of your mother’s words which I hope you will treasure and appreciate (maybe not for your 5th birthday, but hopefully later in life at least).

To my wonderful daughter who turns 5 today,
There are so many things I want to say.
You’ll always be my angel with reddy-brown curls
But you’re so grown-up now, my sweet baby girl.

You love trips to the aquarium to see the fishes,
You cover our table with plastic food and dishes.
You laugh at your ‘catepillars’ (which are inside-out socks),
Your pockets are always filled with sea-shells and rocks.

Your stunning artwork never ceases to amaze me,
You’ve drawn 8-legged spiders since you were three.
I like your sketched robots and snails the best
And your princesses with their over-sized breasts.

You will play for hours blowing bubbles in the air,
Your super-power is your Shirley Temple hair.
You stage elaborate parties with tea-pots and cups,
You want to be a unicorn when you grow up.

You are friends to all animals including all bugs
(You don’t even hesitate to touch worms and slugs).
After each bath you enjoy wet “Huggy Time”,
At dinner time you suck on lemons and limes.

Your cheeks I will kiss, your belly I will rub,
I laugh when you ask, “Want to see bubbles in the tub?”
You’re totally awesome at finishing a meal,
Your stuffed kitties wear Band-Aids ‘cuz “They need to heal!”

Your moves can be spastic like a Great Dane,
Your dancing reminds me of “Seinfeld’s” Elaine.
You fill our house up with beautiful noise,
But honestly I am tired of picking up your toys.

You sleep amidst mountains of pillows and dolls,
You would pick beaches and nature over going to malls.
You’re always pretty good about going to bed,
I melt when you discreetly kiss Tai on his head.

You climb and you run and you scoot and you walk,
You have the sweetest sing-song voice when you talk.
You cover your ears saying things are ‘too loud!’,
You put your pants on backwards but you’re always so proud.

You laugh after you fart (‘cuz each one is funny),
You’re obsessed with the imaginary Holly the Bunny.
We fight over the TV and the iPad too,
You announce to the household each time you go poo.

We will argue and quibble and yell and fight,
But we’re always best friends before the end of the night.
And when I come home from a long day at the rat-race,
All my troubles melt away when I see your sweet face.

You greet me with presents wrapped in cloths and bows,
Is it a book? Or a toy? Anything goes.
I am tired after work and just want to rest,
But I am revived when you whisper “I love you the best”.

I tuck you into bed and slowly shut the door,
Then the house falls quiet (except for your occasional snore).
Tomorrow you’ll be fresh-faced and ready to play,
And I wouldn’t want to have it any other way.

Happy Birthday, Sloaney-Baloney! I love this thiiiiiiiiiis much ….


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