The World According to Rena

My World, My Words

Herb Stand


Our veggie garden has been producing rather sporadically and later than normal this year due to the crazy weather we’ve been experiencing. But no complaints, better late than never.

So the other day Robin was harvesting the tons and tons of basil that have been just waiting to be picked. I bagged them up and labeled them then stowed them away in the freezer for fall and winter usage. There is no way I am going to spend $1.99 at my local grocery store just to have a fresh sprig of basil in my winter stew. No, I just dip into my large stash in the freezer and grab a few leaves and voila – almost fresh basil. It just needs about 30 seconds to thaw. Seriously, it’s so awesome.

Anyway Sloane must have been helping her Daddy harvest the little green leaves because yesterday I found one of her plastic buckets underneath the stairs in our yard, and it was chock-full of plucked basil leaves. But they had been sitting there for awhile and they were all wilted. Since I had already packed away about a dozen bags of basil in the freezer earlier in the week, I didn’t think I would really miss this misplaced bucket-full.

But upon a second glance at the bucket, I did a quick calculation. There was probably about $50 of basil in that bucket if it was sold in prime condition. Wow, child. You have no idea of the money that could have theoretically been earned on this collection. Crazy. Instead of a lemonade stand next year, I should put the child in the front yard with buckets of basil for sale. Forget the $1 glass of lemonade. Try a $50 bucket of herbs.

Why am I just writing about this and not actually doing it???

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